Jan 6-31, 2023

Midway Gallery: Art Tunnel

Midway Artist Studios

15 Channel Center St, 

Boston, MA

Opening Reception

Friday, January 6, 2023


Underline: to emphasize.

Inspired by their individual research and artistic practices, members of the Radius Collective created original work based on the observation of an underlying phenomenon. The responses, created through an interactive piece or process, seek to bring to focus these occurrences which often go unexamined in our daily lives.

Featuring work by James Barkley, Massimiliano Cerioni, Joshua Duttweiler, Christopher Field, Sarah Friedman, Molly Haig, Vaishnavi Kumar, and Kristen Mallia.

About Radius Collective

Using the symbolic and literal form of a line, Radius Collective is a creative body of artists and designers focused on critical discourse around identity, place, and connection.
