89 Midway Studios Art Talk with Nikolay Cherny

October 27, 2022 at 8pm on Zoom

Listen to Nikolay’s Art Talk on YouTube

89 is an informal “art salon” where Midway Studios residents get together to share their art.

Phenomena of reality are getting accessible for us if we can give them a name. To give a name, to impart form to a primary unformed matter is our natural way of communicating with the world, with one another, and possibility of being understood by the other. It is an endless process. I try to realize this connection using color, line, shape, etc.

Nikolay Cherny (Chernyayev) is Russian born artist who lives in the USA since 1992.

He is an accomplished painter and drawer working in the fields of figures composition, land- and cityscape, and still life. Participates regularly in international, domestic, as well as local art shows, has won various awards and prizes. His artworks can be found in Osten Collection of Drawing, Skopje, Macedonia; in collections of Brandeis University, Massachusetts; Hillel Center, Cincinnati, Ohio; private, communal, and corporate collections in the USA, Germany, Russia, Estonia, Macedonia. As a professional designer he has had, also, in his artistic experience, such projects as development of graphic and book design; illustrations; set- and costume design; interior design, and items of the equipment for services for the Church. He participates too in creating 3D art installations, interactive collaborative art projects for multiple participants; decorative art compositions.

For many years he has been teaching “Formulas for Drawing” – the art course of his own creation. He is Member of Fort Point Arts Community, Boston.
He was born in Saint-Petersburg, Russia. Started to draw as a child. He had his initial Training in Art at private art studios, and received his Formal Education in Art – his BA and MA degrees – at Saint-Petersburg Stieglitz State Academy of Art and Design. Improved his professional skills at National Research Institute of Industrial Design in Moscow (Graduate Course PhD program).

While living in Russia worked in graphic- and industrial design, was Leader of Design department and Projects leader, taught theory and methodology of design at Institute of Advanced Study of Shipbuilding. Has authored numerous publications related to his profession, as artist and designer participated in various shows.